
Taught by Pastor Becca and her team of amazing teachers and mentors: Caryn Bowe, Phil Cacossa, Glenn Haas, Kim Keller and Larry King.

An opportunity to grow in faith and learn about Christian life from historical contemporaries. Youth will become better friends with others their age. Confirmation is the process of becoming a member of the church.

Select SUNDAYS, 9:30 am at DPC

*Inquire about scholarships *Retreat cost not included

Class cost $50* Includes: Class supplies Nifty “Big Journal” Bonus surprises along the way

Class Dates: October 6, October 13, October 20, October 27, November 3, November 10, January 26, February 2 (Mental Health Panel) February 9, March 2, March 9, March 16, April 6

November 22-24: Retreat at Johnsonburg Camp and Retreat Center!

April 6: Brunch & Meet with Session

April 27: Confirmands presented in 10:30 am worship