Back-to-School Supplies Collection
July 18 - August 11, 2024
Our DPC Summer Camp kids (with a little help from parents and volunteer leaders) kicked off our collection of Back-to-School Supplies last week.
As part of this year’s mission component to VBS, the campers donated 26 folders, 35 composition books, 61 boxes of crayons, 186 pencils, 222 pens, 306 pencil caps… and more!
So let’s try to keep the momentum going with a push to gather 80 new gender-neutral back packs and more school supplies to fill them!
With Back-to School Season right around the corner and stores are already advertising their sales, now’s a perfect time to shop. So if you are shopping for the youngsters in your life, or find yourself browsing the aisles for other reasons, please consider picking up a set of supplies, or a backpack, for those in need.
The items will be sent to DPC’s mission partner Bethel Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia for a special Youth Fun Day for Pre-K to 2nd grade children.
To sign up and indicate what you can provide, visit All items can be dropped off in the Andrews Hall entrance during the day on weekdays or on Sunday mornings. The deadline to donate is August 11.
If you prefer that we do the shopping for you, feel free to drop off a donation check in the church office made out to “Doylestown Presbyterian Church” and write “school supplies” in the memo section.