
Our library is open when Andrews Hall is open!



The Library Committee’s mission is to provide books and other resources that will strengthen the lives of members and deepen their relationship with God. Stop in to see special book offerings tied to themes or causes supported by various DPC committees.

Thanks to the dedicated work of the Library Committee, and through a gift from an anonymous donor, the Library is newly renovated! New features include: a cozy conversation corner, brand new lighting, storage bins that double as benches, expanded room for meetings, a mini coffee bar, an expanded collection of books, and a revamped children’s area.

Also, the entire collection of books is now accessible online – so you can browse from home to see what is available before coming in!

To access the online collection just Click Here – You can also register for a digital library card that will be used to check out books when you visit the Library.

Read and Chat Book Discussion

The book group meets in the DPC Library in Andrews Hall on the second Wednesday of each month at 1 pm and ends no later than 2:30 pm. pm. Join us! Contact Joyce Baral 215-348-8335 for questions. Below is the schedule for 2024-2025:

Click Here to see the full Read and Chat Schedule!

Circulation Desk

We ask you to check out all materials before you take them from the Library. Circulation is self-serve. Books can be borrowed for three weeks; either checked out electronically or write your full name and the date (include the year) on the card found in the back of the book and leave the card in the box on the circulation desk.

Atriuum: The Library’s Computer System

Locating books and other materials is easy: just click on “Search” and type in a title, subject, or author and click on “search.” The list of available items will be displayed. 

Jigsaw Puzzle Exchange

Our Library has a great Jigsaw Puzzle Exchange!  Bring your jigsaw puzzles to the Library to share with others and exchange it for ones you would like try. No sign out is necessary. The puzzles are located on the shelves on the right side of the library.


The extensive children’s collection has a wonderful variety of titles. Books are donated by the Committee for each child born to or adopted by Church families.

Worship Resources

Looking for prayer(s) and / or worship resources – look in section 242 – 248, or search on the Library’s computer.

Helpful Hints

Books with colored dots on the spine represent:

  • Green – Christmas
  • Yellow – Lent
  • Orange – Thanksgiving
  • Smiley Faces – Local school district reading list suggestions

Questions / Suggestions?? Contact the library: (write “Library question” in the subject line.)