DPC In Action

Steve Spadt explores the mysteries of the “deep water” as he shares his favorite story from the Bible. He reflects on how Jesus pushes us to go deeper as we live our lives. It is in the deep water where only trust reigns and where we will find abundance. *Please note: We are inviting you […]

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We are excited to share with you another easing of pandemic-related restrictions for DPC. As local guidelines continue to ease, DPC’s Re-Opening Task Force has approved the following changes.  Effective immediately Masks are now optional on the DPC campus – this includes the Sanctuary, office, meeting rooms, etc… During worship services, the Celtic Cross Room will […]

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Marie Stevens celebrates the end of slavery in the United States as she reflects on Juneteenth, which is commemorated each year on June 19. Marie reads from the Book of Exodus as she draws parallels between the plight of African-Americans and the Israelite slaves of Biblical times. We are inviting you to lead an upcoming […]

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In the midst of a pandemic our Church Family continued to find ways to Be a bridge for Christ and a beacon of His love. Let’s take a look back at all the inspiring, heartfelt, and happy moments we experienced together throughout this program year. Music performed by the DPC Joyful Bells – “Lord of […]

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Juneteenth is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in this country. We take a look at the history behind the day and offer ways to celebrate it this year.

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Pastor John Willingham continues our theme of examining the concept of a covenant; this week focusing on Luke’s account of the Last Supper among Jesus and his disciples. During this gathering, Jesus transformed the usual Passover meal into a reminder of his death and resurrection. *Please note: Bridges and Beacons has shifted to a once […]

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In June’s edition of The Tidings we give you all the details of our new Adult Vacation Bible School experience – Summer Spiritual Renewal. This four-day program will rejuvenate us through Scripture, discussion, music, and fellowship as we enter the summer season.

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DPC is excited to let you know of some changes to our current practices as state and local restrictions continue to ease. These decisions were made by DPC’s Re-Opening Task Force, which has been monitoring case numbers and vaccination rates closely throughout the pandemic.  Starting on Sunday, June 6: You may sit wherever and with […]

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Carrie Biermann leads today’s devotional which focuses on covenants. In reflecting on God’s covenant with us, she explains that even though we often strayed from the terms, God loved us so much that he sent his only Son, Jesus, to help us fulfill our end of the sacred pact. *Please note: Bridges and Beacons has […]

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In today’s devotional, Mark Helms offers a different metaphor to help us understand the Holy Trinity – a sacred dance; in which the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are always moving, always working, always interacting.

*Please note: Bridges and Beacons will be shifting to a once per week schedule during the summer, with new editions shared on Wednesdays beginning next week.

We are inviting you to lead an upcoming devotional as we reflect on our favorite Bible stories! If you are interested, please send an email to dpc@dtownpc.org with “Bridges and Beacons” in the subject line and we will contact you about filming.

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