Wednesday Club! (Grades 2-6)
Hey Kids – when you come to DPC – in person or online – you’re met with a bunch of great people, great friends, and great opportunities to learn, serve, and have FUN! Connect Sunday School for 5th and 6th Graders takes place in Andrews Hall Room 204 each Sunday at 9:30 am.
Wednesday Club (for grades 2-6) resumes January 15! Here’s how everything will work:

- REGISTRATION: All children can be registered online here! Any new attendees/visiting friends, if unable to register online, will be provided with a paper form that should be filled out by the parents/guardian on the first night they attend.
- DROP-OFF: Drop-off will be under the Mechanics Street Bridge, sanctuary-side door at 5:30pm.
- MUSIC: Children who are participating in music ministries will be escorted by a DPC volunteer from the choir area to the Celtic Cross Room for dinner at the conclusion of rehearsals. Any student participating in Wednesday Club are invited to join our music ensembles.
- MEALS: Each family is expected to provide and help serve dinner once per semester. This can be cooked at home and brought in, cooked in the Celtic Cross Room kitchen or ordered from your favorite restaurant. Click Here to sign up to help with meals!
5. PICK-UP: Pick up will be at 6:30pm under the bridge on Mechanics Street – pull up, let the volunteer know who you’re there for, and they will send your kiddo out to you.
Wednesday Club is a youth group for kids in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade where we play fun games, learn about God, and do cool activities. We meet weekly from September to May and cover a variety of topics that matter most to our tweens. At Wednesday Club, we emphasize food, fun, friendship and faith – and we’d LOVE to have you join us!
- Snacks and Activities – 5:30-6:30pm

See some of the past fun we’ve have in THIS VIDEO! And then get ready – because we want you to be in the next one!
Feel free to reach out with any questions!
Be well and blessed.