DPC Cares / Home Help Corps
The mission of DPC Cares is to provide temporary, short-term assistance to members in need through DPC volunteer services. This Deacons’ Ministry encourages church members to contact a Deacon on behalf of a friend or for personal needs, allowing our church to be aware of everyone’s joy, sorrow, loneliness, or otherwise, while also attempting to provide the necessary help requested. Either by contacting a Deacon or sending an email to DPCcares@dtownpc.org, individuals can let the church know how we can help. A recent hospital stay, new additions to families, need for short term meal deliveries – all are just a few examples of what we want to know so that we can try to help. Your email will go to a Deacon who will contact you or the church member in need directly. Please help us be able to show just how much we care for our DPC family.
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. ~Galatians 6:2
Home Help Corps
The Home Help Corps is an extension of Deacon’s DPC Cares. We are looking for volunteers who are able to provide help to members who are experiencing difficulty with tasks at home, errands, or transportation – whether because of age or health.
Here are some examples of what we may be asked to do:

- Yardwork (weeding, planting, cleanup)
- Light cleaning (vacuuming, dusting, floors washed, bedclothes changed)
- Seasonal work (installation of screens and storm windows, porches washed, outdoor furniture set up/taken in, furnace/AC filter replacement)
- Simple home maintenance (hanging curtains and rods, picture hanging, changing ceiling lightbulbs and smoke alarm batteries)
- Interior painting (no ladders)
- Tech troubleshooting, set-up
- Transportation (to appointments or to worship services)
- Errands (grocery store, laundromat, etc. No banking or pharmacy pickups)
- Help with downsizing (one day)
PLEASE, call the church office at 215-348-3531 ext. 228 to request help or to volunteer!
THANK YOU for prayerfully considering this way of helping fellow members!
Linda Schumann
Program and Volunteer Coordinator
Home Help Corps