Fellowship at the Fulgham Farm!

DPC’s Senior Adult Ministry Committee and Bev and Jeff Fulgham invite you to a special gathering at their home in Doylestown. Let’s get together and enjoy a relaxing time of food and drink with friends!

On Sunday, August 28 we’ll gather from 4 to 7 pm for beverages (beer and wine as well as non-alcoholic), appetizers, desserts and even a little bit of living history as we welcome a renowned William Penn re-enactor.

The event is open to adults of all ages.

Feel free to invite your friends!

Attire is casual and in the event of rain, we’ll move inside the Fulghams’ beautiful barn.

Parking is available in the field on the property but special accommodations can be made for those with trouble walking. Contact the church office 215-348-3531 to make those arrangements. Chairs will be available inside and outside as well.

A fee of $10 per person is requested to go toward the cost of food, drink, and entertainment.

We have removed the deadline to RSVP so please click the link below!

Register by clicking the link below. You may pay the fee by mail, offering plate, in the Church Office or Pay by credit card (click here to use our online giving provider). Checks can be made payable to DPC, indicating in memo area “Fellowship at the Farm.”