Juneteenth at the Mercer
June 18, 2023
Juneteenth – Sunday, June 18 from 10:30 am to 4 pm we celebrate the effective end of Slavery in the United States while taking the next step along our Matthew 25 journey. There will be live music, kids activities, food trucks, and vendors. DPC will be hosting a table where event-goers can participate in an interactive reflection activity. The finished project which will be hung in the Mercer Museum following the event for a year and will then be moved to the African American Museum in Bristol. We are looking for volunteers to help staff our table from 10:15 am – 4 pm. If you are are able to donate two hours of your time, please visit bit.ly/DPCJuneteenth2023 or contact Erin Rizk at erinr@dtownpc.org, and feel free to ask a friend to join!