Lunch and Learn

Lunch and Learn. DPC’s Matthew 25 and SAM Committees join together with Second Baptist Church of Doylestown’s Christ and Cultural Humility group invite you to celebrate Bucks County African American History during its 2nd annual joint luncheon at Second Baptist (6055 Swamp Rd. in Fountainville) on Saturday, February 8 from 12 to 2:30 pm. Join us to share a meal, enjoy a performance from Second Baptist Back Bench Boys, and listen to a presentation by Patricia Mervine, who has recently published her book, Slavery, Friends and Freedom in Bucks County. She will be sharing stories featuring Bucks County people and places involved with the Underground Railroad that will take you back to the time when slavery and bounty-hunting were legal and when people of both races found the courage, compassion, and conviction needed to make Bucks County a safe haven and Pennsylvania a free state. 

The cost is $15/person (children 10 and under are free; family of 3 or more people over 10 is $40.)

RSVP by February 1 by noon!

Proceeds from this event will be donated to support the new home of the Bucks County African American History Museum.