Plastic Free July

The Earth Care Team once again is sponsoring Plastic Free July!

As DPC’s Earth Care Team continues to advocate for a “Plastic Free July” you are invited to download this handy calendar that includes some simple ways you can take part! Click here to download and print!

Some questions to think about:

  1. What is the most common thing in your trash at home?
  2. Are single use plastics a part of your daily life?
  3. How much trash (in pounds) do you think you generate each day? (a gallon of milk weighs 9 pounds)
  • Each day 4.9 pounds of municipal solid waste are generated each day (2018, most recent info available)
  • Our pace of plastic recycling has not kept up with the pace of plastic generation over the past 58 years
  • Plastic is integrated into our way of life. It makes life easier, but comes at a cost.
  • Disposability is a way of life
  • 92% of all plastic ever produced still exists somewhere on earth
  • Micro plastics (nurdles and more) are now banned in personal care products but still exist
  • Synthetic fibers are in all ecosystems (washed out of clothes in washing machines)
  • a UN report in 2016 found 5.25 trillion microplastics in the ocean
  • 1999 plastics outweigh plankton 6:1

Source: Microplastic Pollution: The Big Problem with Tiny Plastic, an Everyday Environment Webinar

What can you do?  Join the Plastic Free July Challenge