Give Today!

Our electronic giving program allows you the convenience to set up recurring or one-time contributions through your checking or savings accounts, and credit or debit card while providing much-needed donation consistency for our congregation.
Contact Linay Richards at or 215-348-3531 x 235 with any questions.
Give By Text!

DPC has another option for Electronic Giving to the General Operating Fund!
(Note: This is only available for giving with a credit card.)
· Send a text to: 833-906-2067
· Then enter the amount you want to give in the message
· Press send.
You will then receive a registration link. (This only needs to be done once!)After registration is complete (contact and payment information), you will receive a verification text. If you want to repeat the same donation another time, you can text “repeat” or text a different amount.
Thank you for your generosity and support!
Memorials, Bequests and Gifts

All that we are, all that we have, comes from God and will one day return to God. Many years ago, the leaders of Doylestown Presbyterian Church set forth to build a church in the center of town to be a beacon of Christ’s love for all to see. Over the generations, the church has expanded into a vibrant campus, with our steeple serving as a symbol of God’s glory and a reminder of his everlasting love. Legacy giving is an opportunity for us to return to God the gifts which he has entrusted to us during our lifetime. It is also an opportunity for us all to further strengthen Christ’s church by providing for ministry and mission for future generations. We stand on the shoulders of those who came before us; so let us be the shoulders for those who come after us.
DPC has established three different funds to ensure that the ministry, mission, and worship of God at Doylestown Presbyterian Church continues, while also assisting with funding for major capital projects, outside of our annual operating budget. We have a Memorial, Bequests and Gift Fund, an Endowment Fund and a Mission Endowment Fund. These funds were established and continue to grow through many generous gifts; gifts to honor someone, gifts in memory of loved ones and friends, gifts “just because” and planned gifts like bequests in a will or trust, a life income gifts, and gifts of special assets. All of those gifts have helped us remain a healthy, strong, and vital church – and to continue our mission to Be a bridge for Christ and a beacon of His love.
Legacy Funds at DPC
Memorial, Bequests and Gift (MBG) Fund enables us to support the work of DPC through designated giving. Examples of accounts in this fund are: General Purpose (for enhancements or innovative programs that creatively support the mission statement), Building Emergencies (repair and maintenance of church facilities), Music Memorials and Gifts, Stained Glass Window repair, etc. All undesignated gifts are placed in our General Purpose account.
The Endowment Fund is for the long-term vision and ministry of DPC through thoughtful planning and wise investment of its resources. This fund is required to reach a specific goal before we can use the interest generated as approved by session.
The Mission Endowment Fund was created to help secure the ongoing vital mission of the Church outside our walls. This fund is required to reach a specific goal before we can use the interest generated as approved by session.
If you have any questions, please contact Linay Richards, Director of Finances and Operations ( / 215-348-3531 x 235)