Doylestown Presbyterian Church: A Matthew 25 Congregation
Doylestown Presbyterian Church joins with other churches in our denomination as a Matthew 25 church to address the structural racism that harms so many of our brothers and sisters in Christ and the poverty that exists as a result. Racism is the opposite of what God intends for humanity and divides us as a human race. As Christians and as Presbyterians, we believe in the Image of God that lives equally within every human being. Through examining our history, both as a country and as a denomination, learning about ways to advocate for those afflicted by structural racism, engaging in educational opportunities, and forming diverse relationships within our community, we strive to fulfill God’s call to love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:39) and unite all things in him (Ephesians 1:10).
Two bodies of faith. Two very different stories. One shared goal. We invite you to read the article and watch the video from Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) highlighting the ways DPC and Bethel Presbyterian Church are living as Matthew 25 congregations working to eradicate racism and act in love!