Mission Trips

Mission trips allow us to live with and learn from our brothers and sisters in other parts of the country and around the world while sharing their struggles with hunger, poverty, natural disaster. We offer a helping hand, but most importantly, an open heart to all we meet. There are opportunities for everyone to be involved with mission trips at DPC, including participating in a trip, praying for trip participants and for those whom with they will be working, and helping to provide supplies and support for volunteers.

We travel to lend a helping hand!

Want to travel to a new place and help at the same time? See below!

Southwest Mission Trips

DPC Work Trip to the Community Pantry

Join us for the 2025 Southwest Mission Work Trip from April 5 to 12. The work experience is at the Community Pantry in Gallup. DPC has generously supported the Pantry for over 20 years. Transportation will be arranged from DPC to Philadelphia for the flight to Albuquerque, New Mexico. Once in New Mexico, transport will be by automobiles. Accommodations are at hotels in Gallup and Albuquerque, NM. The total cost is estimated to be between $1,550 and $1,750 for single room and between $1,200 and $1,400 for double room occupancy. If interested, please contact dpc@dtownpc.org. Deposit due by February 2. Planning ahead: the Southwest Cultural and Mission Work Trip will be September 13 to 20.

This video below offers a glimpse of the work done at the Pantry.  


Mission Trip Scholarships

If you are a DPC member and are interested in going on a mission trip but are in need of financial assistance, we encourage you to apply for scholarship funding from the mission committee. The form is available in the church office.