DPC Celebrates Black History Month
January 30, 2022
If you walk down the front walkway outside of our sanctuary through the graveyard, you no doubt will see the historic markers, spanning two centuries, for the faithful disciples who have come before us. In a radical move for that time period, Doylestown Presbyterian Church designated a part of its graveyard for people of color when it was built in 1816, one of the only churches in Bucks County at the time that allowed weddings, funerals, and burials for African Americans. In the years following that decision, 13 African Americans, some of whom were former slaves, were buried in our graveyard on the side closest to Mechanics Street.
This morning before worship, we laid wreaths on each of their gravesites as a reminder of their lives and their incredible resilience and the contributions they made to this world. We are reminded of the courage and faith our congregation’s founders had centuries ago to live out Jesus’ teaching to love all of our neighbors as ourselves.
As we remember these saints today, we encourage you to visit their graves as you leave this morning and read more about each of their stories in this booklet.
To further recognize Black History Month, DPC members and pastors came together to offer their own prayers for racial healing, which can be viewed in their entirety below or as as a part of a compilation.