What’s Happening!

We invite you to take a look at this section for volunteer opportunities, short-term class information, committee updates, and so much more!
Think of this page as DPC’s digital bulletin board. Be sure to click the links to learn more about each event, group, and program – and check back often as updates will be made as the year unfolds!
We are excited to offer a fall Stepping Stones class for individuals interested in joining DPC. The class will meet from 9:30 to 10:15 am on October 23, 30, and November 6, with new members joining the congregation on November 13. Those with interest in being a part of this class should email dpc@dtownpc.org with the subject line “Stepping Stones.”
Volunteers Needed! Since its inception in 2016, DPC Cares has supported our church community by providing meals during and after illnesses, and following hospital and rehab stays for families with new additions and for those experiencing a recent loss. We are seeking new volunteers to join our team in providing and delivering meals to members of our congregation, offering the love and support that is so important at these crucial times. Volunteers may be asked a few times a year to help out at their convenience via a request through Sign-Up Genius. As we always say: many hands make light work. Having a team at the ready to provide meals to members in need exemplifies DPC’s mission to be a bridge for Christ and a beacon of His love. If you are interested in volunteering or learning more about DPC Cares, please contact our DPC Cares Coordinator, Krista Spadt at dpc@dtownpc.org with the subject line “DPC Cares Meals” call the Church Office at 215-348-3531 ext. 228.
Upcoming events sponsored by the Senior Adult Ministry Committee:
During the 10:30 am worship service October 23, we honor our 50-year members with a reception to follow in the Celtic Cross Room.
The next SAM Luncheon is November 17 in the Celtic Cross Room. We gather for an informative presentation titled Advance Care Planning: A Gift to You and Your Family. Learn about the process, about a living will and healthcare power of attorney, and how to talk to your family about your wishes. Stay tuned for details.
DPC Worship Community. Do you play an instrument or enjoy singing but also juggle a busy schedule? If so, you and your friends may be a perfect fit for DPC’s new musical ensembles who will be part of 8:30 am worship services this fall. You don’t need to be classically trained, the songs will be varied in genre, and there will be no weekly commitment! If interested, contact Mina Choi at dpcorganist@gmail.com. To see a special video invitation from Mina, click here!
A Service of Light in the Midst of Darkness. For those seeking a sense of hope and renewed spirit, we invite you to join with your church family on Sunday, November 20, at 4 pm for a special service prepared by Pastor Pauline Sexton with assistance from our Deacons.
We need your help!
DPC’s History Task Force has been hard at work editing vol. 2 of the History of Doylestown Presbyterian Church, which spans the years 1984 through 2014.
Sifting through years of photos, we realized that some of our faces have changed. And maybe we weren’t as diligent about recording names on photos as we should’ve been. That’s where you come in. If you or your kids (grandkids?) recognize themselves or their friends in the below, then reach out. It’s easy to lose track, but oh so easy to reconnect.
You’ll get to say, “Hey, I helped out with that book!” And maybe you’ll even reach out to that friend to say “remember when?” Take a look at the photos HERE and email us at dpc@dtownpc.org if you can offer any insight!
Calling all musicians! Would you like to share your talent with people who really appreciate it? The Deacons are looking for musicians to play along with the hymns sung at our nursing home services. All those years of piano lessons can be used to glorify God and bring joy to the residents of Pine Run and Neshaminy Manor! Services are Sunday afternoons and typically require just 45 to 60 minutes of your time. Please contact Eileen Telly by emailing dpc@dtownpc.org (subject line: nursing home musicians) if you’d like to learn more about this opportunity to serve.
The DPC Moms of Young Children Group will begin meeting on Zoom on Wednesday, September 28 at 8 pm. New members are always welcomed! These are very casual gatherings that welcome moms together to share stories, discuss parenting issues, find ways to nurture our faith, and offer encouragement to each other. The group will meet virtually on Zoom from 8 to 9pm on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month. In-person outings will occur throughout the year so stay tuned for details! Please feel free to contact Krista Spadt at dpc@dtownpc.org with any questions.