Earthcare Team

The Earthcare Team, a Growth Thru Action group, has been working to have DPC certified by the Presbytery as an Earthcare Congregation (ECC). The designation recognizes churches that are actively engaged in being good stewards of God’s Earth. The process involves scoring completed activities in four areas: worship, education, facilities, and outreach. DPC scored 286 points, far in excess of the required minimum of 100 points. Congratulations to all! We received approval from Session to proceed with the application and expect to hear back from the Presbytery by the end of March.
We will continue to identify initiatives and programs that will build upon our certification. We will be sharing information about upcoming activities and will welcome your participation in any that may be of interest to you. If you would like to join in any future efforts please reach out to either Diane Paul or Scott Nichols by phone or email.