Tidings Tidbits! Updates on DPC Children and Youth – Spring 2023
Sunday School
Sundays, 9:30 to 10:15 am, Andrews Hall

Sunday school in February led our children to think about how the church is more than just a place – it’s about the people! We put together our own church with all the important things: names of people we know, a cross, pictures of the services we provide the community, and we even added a bridge! This helped us discuss our church’s mission statement, “Be a bridge for Christ and a beacon of His love.”
Coming up!

Borough Hop! Meet on the ramp on the second floor of Andrews Hall with your family after the 10:30 service on April 2. We’ll enjoy pizza and snacks together in Room 213, get our Borough Hop clues & meet back at Burpee Park from 1-2 pm for prizes and a time to hang out! Reach out to Pastor Becca if you have any questions at beccab@dtownpc.org.
Easter Egg Hunt! Get ready for another amazing Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday, April 9 at 10:30 am! We get started on the ramp in Andrews Hall!
Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School blasts off July 10-13, 9:00 – 12:00 pm. Join in as we celebrate God’s greatness through art, games, storytelling, snack, mission, and songs.
*We need volunteers as leaders and helpers in the stations and also as crew leaders. Adults and youth going into 7thgrade and up are invited to join this colossal team.
Club 456 – Wednesdays from 5:30-7:15pm for 4th, 5th, and 6th graders

Club 456 is getting “Spiritually Fit for Lent” taking time in practices that will enrich our faith. From pretzel making, to remind us of prayer, to a walk through the stations of the cross at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, to understand rich traditions from other siblings in faith.
Move up is April 19th when 3rd graders will be able to join Club 456 for the remainder of the program year!
Last month, the 456ers spent time making decorations for Fellowship Hall to make those volunteering for Code Blue, as well as our homeless guests, feel appreciated and welcomed. Check out the video below for a quick tour!
Element Youth Group – Sundays from 5:45-7:30pm for 7th-12th graders
Youth of all ages have begun preparing for Youth Sunday on May 14. During both the 8:30 and 10:30 am worship services, youth will lead worship. We look forward to the youth choir singing and ringing, the confirmands being presented for membership, several seniors presenting a scripture that is meaningful to them with a sermon, and a graduates slide show. We will also celebrate our youth leaders this year and invite all to be a part of making DPC’s youth ministry amazing.
Element will be taking time to do a service project in creating Easter baskets for residents of Bucks County Housing Group and apartment DPC sponsors and going on a shopping trip. They will experience interactive prayer stations as a spiritual practice leading up to Holy Week.
Move up is April 16th when 6th graders will be able to join Element for the remainder of the program year! Take a look at the video below as we give 6th graders a glimpse at all the fun!