Summer Mission Opportunities – 2022

Red Cross Blood Drive
Wednesday, August 10, 1pm – 6pm in Fellowship Hall
There is a major shortage of blood nationwide, and donations are desperately needed. Please consider giving the gift of life this summer! To sign up, contact Erin Rizk at or visit the Red Cross webpage.
Rolling Harvest Food Rescue
Our mission partner Rolling Harvest works with local farms to provide fresh produce to those in need in our community. There are opportunities each week to help with harvesting and weeding, as well as distributing food at weekly markets. This is a great chance for those of all ages to help! For more information, email Erin at
Summer Food Drives
We will continue our monthly food drives this summer on the 3rd Sunday of each month from 9:30am – 11am under the Mechanics Street Bridge. (Please note the time change!) We will be accepting grocery gift cards for food pantries to purchase meat for clients, as well as collecting other non-perishable goods.
Community Meal Returns!
Our Community Meal will return on Sunday, July 17 at 11 a.m. We invite you to join us as we open our doors to our whole community, including those who are homeless or food-insecure, for a delicious meal and great company. Check out our social media pages in July for a sign-up to volunteer to help or donate food.
Family Southwest Mission Trip
We are very excited that 6 DPC families will be joining us for a trip to the Southwest in June to volunteer at the Community Pantry in Gallup, NM, our long-time mission partner serving one of the most food-insecure areas of the country, and to learn more about Native American culture and the work that our other mission partner, Americans for Native Americans, is doing in the Southwest.
Summer Mission Table
Come see the Mission Committee in the churchyard after worship at our summer mission table on July 10 and August 14. We will have information about ways to get involved and updates on some of our mission partners.
Americans for Native Americans Garden Party
Americans for Native Americans will hold it’s 31st Anniversary Garden Party on August 20, from 4 to 7 p.m. at Bev and Jeff Fulgham’s home. To join in this fun celebration of food, fellowship, and music, request an invitation from