Congregational Meeting – June 11, 2023

The Session has called for a congregational meeting to occur immediately after the worship service on June 11. The purpose of the meeting is to elect the Pastor Nominating Committee and corporate officers, express our gratitude to those whose service ended in May and dissolve the pastoral relationship between John Willingham and DPC effective September 30. When joined with the unveiling of a video celebrating the 2022-23 Program Year, it promises to be a significant gathering for this body of faith. We hope you can join us!
*Be sure to check your mailboxes as an overview of the Pastor Nominating Committee nominees has been sent to each of your homes.
You can also view the Congregational Meeting live online
We will extend our usual Sunday worship livestream to allow you to view the congregational meeting. Comments or questions during the meeting can be emailed to
The Livestream can be accessed by visiting
Whether in person or online, we encourage you to join us for what should be a brief, but significant time together.