Welcome Jonah!
Meet Jonah Davis – DPC’s new Youth Director.

Following an extensive search by the Youth Director Search Committee (Damian Ford, Kelly Huggins, Caroline Roland, and Andy Smith) along with Pastor Becca Bateman, we are thrilled to introduce you to Jonah Davis! Jonah will be working part-time developing engaging programming for youth in grades 7-12. His first day is June 19.
Some quick facts about Jonah:
- Graduated from Amherst College in 2019 where he studied English, being awarded cum laude after writing his honors thesis on the poetry of Frank O’Hara (one of his favorite poets!).
- Will be attending the Princeton Theological Seminary in the fall to purse his Master of Divinity degree.
- Current favorite poet is John Donne, “but this is likely to change after discovering a new favorite poet (there are many!).” He especially likes Donne because the poet’s life reflects Jonah’s own experiences: from not having faith to then finding faith, and finding it deeply.
- Also writes poetry when he feels inspired.
- Loves making new playlists on Spotify as music plays a big role in his life; he sees making playlists as an artistic expression.
“I am so excited to see how building solid, intentional relationships with the youth at DPC can impact their spiritual life for years to come,” says Jonah. “I want to see the youth ministry at DPC flourish, and will think as creatively as I can to see their spiritual health grow. I had such a wonderful youth pastor growing up in South Jersey, and I wants to continue to draw from my experiences in that setting to better help the youth ministry at DPC.”

Pastor Becca is equally enthused to see Jonah build on the recent momentum gained by the Youth Ministry Team.
“I’m excited to see the next season of DPC youth ministry. A youth ministry that is a community of faith where you can honestly share your struggles and thrills of life with your peers and genuine loving adults has great implications on the development of character for the youth. The past two years, the youth group has re-grounded itself. It took the time to strengthen relationships, develop rhythm of gathering, and highlight opportunities for leadership within the church. These strides happened under the wonderful care of the youth leaders, the youth committee, relational Sunday School teachers, a lifegiving youth music program, and dedication to the stepping stone of faith with the confirmation process. It took leaps with our interim part time director, Megan Craig, and we will see that momentum continued with this continued dedication to youth in the church, and with the addition of Jonah.”